Firefox and the Refresh Button

FFclipEveryone has their favourite browser – mine is Firefox. I changed from an earlier version (it might even have been Netscape then) to Chrome shortly after Google released it. Chrome was a better browser back then but I changed back to Firefox when Chrome started slowing down and hogging my memory.
Anyway, Firefox is currently up to version 32 and for the most part is stable, fast and not too resource hungry. But back around version 29 they decided to change the URL toolbar so that the Refresh button was on the right of the URL entry box, and the Forward/Back button were attached to the URL box on the left.
Now I, like a lot of other people if the comments on various blogs and forums are anything to go by, object to this. I don’t mind a few changes to the user interface. After all things move on and fashions change. But I do mind the change being forced on me and then not being allowed to use the customise options to put things where I want them. I kept looking for my nice big Refresh button (see the picture above) and it wasn’t there. It was a little farty thing over on the right.

So, what to do. In the end I added two new extensions from the same developer – Classic Theme Restorer and Classic Toolbar Buttons. Together they allow the toolbar to be styled a way that Mozilla should have provided in the first place. But if it takes an extension or two to do the job then that works for me. So congratulations to Aris who developed the extensions. I think I will be making my small contribution to your cause soon!

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