Over the years I have been a computer repair engineer, worked on a support helpdesk, and managed small teams of support people. I have always had an interest in programming and have done lots of things from assembly language (a long time ago!) through PL/9 (also a long time ago) to Delphi. More recently I have worked more with web software including PHP, SQL, and Javascript. I have also spent a lot of time with WordPress, a web publishing system on which this site is based.
I was born in 1959 – so that makes me officially middle aged, I think. My father was, amongst other things, a computer engineer. He helped in the design of early computers when he worked for English Electric and designed parts of their early computer – I think it was the KDF-9. Unfortunately he died when he was relatively young, around the time when the Sinclair Spectrum was just starting the age of the personal computer. A great shame as he would have loved the way technology has progressed.
So that’s where I think I get my love of computers, programming, and gadgets in general.
I am usually available for web work, programming or anything computer related, so if there is anyone out there who wants a dependable, middle aged software developer who also has a fair bit of hardware knowledge, please contact me via the Contact Page.