Highlight Todays Date in the WordPress Calendar

You may have noticed that there is a calendar displayed on the right of the blog page. This is the standard WordPress calendar widget and is designed to highlight the dates of blog posts so they can be clicked and jump straight to the post. But I also wanted to highlight todays date – just to make it a bit more useful. It turns out that this is quite easy. You just need to add a snippet of CSS into the <head> section of your site. In the WeaverII theme this is very easy – it is in the Appearance/Weaver II Admin/Advanced Options menu. In the <head> Section menu add the following code to the Custom CSS Rules:

#wp-calendar #today {
color: #000000;

That will make todays date cell an orange colour and the text black – but you can obviously change the background and text colours to whatever you like.


Highlight Todays Date in the WordPress Calendar — 1 Comment

  1. Thanks, such a simple requirement and fix. I added all sorts of complex javascript code after failing to find a simple fix for this solution. Suprisingly even the best of the calemdar plugins do not have this simple feature. Thanks again.

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